Charles Berry

Charles Berry
Charles Berry


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Hans Beyer has left an In Memory comment for Charles Berry.
Feb 01, 2021 at 4:47 PM

I was so sorry to hear about Chuck's passing (and so young).  Since I moved back to Canada in 1965, I lost touch with him. I have thought about him many times over the years. Chuck and I enjoyed attending several music venues back in 1963-1964. We both enjoyed the rhythm & blues genre of music (who didn't in MoTown) and attended several "battle of the bands" shows that were held in several old theatres on Gratiot Ave. closer in to the center of Detroit. The bands and attendees were mixed and we had a great time. We even attended the "Rock & Roll Jamboree" concert at Cobo Hall which featured Lloyd Price, Cassius Clay, Little Peggy March, Ray Stevens and many of the MoTown stars. It was on a Saturday in 1963. The place was full. We sat in the balcony area, the last row right at the ailse. When Cassius Clay came on and he did his routine of "fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee" the whole place erupted. People in front of us were throwing their shoes at the stage. Needless to say we definitely got our moneys worth of entertainment and excitment, even if it made us sweat a bit. I considered him a good friend. RIP my friend.

Charles Berry changed profile picture.
Jun 26, 2014 at 10:55 AM
